Some of the crap you'll find:


Let's Try Beer

Cuckoo canucks


Comments, Concerns and Other General Nastiness



Chock full of melt-in-your-mouth goodness


Dear Random Canadian, 

Enclosed you will find one Canadian quarter,which I was unfortunate enough to get as change for my sandwich today.This is not the first time this has happened, and I am sure it will not be the last. I will continue to forward you my Canadian quarters as they come into my possession. Please do your best to keep it on your side of the border. These coins do not work in our vending machines, and they sometimes lead to embarrassing incidents during which a clerk at a store ridicules me for trying to pass off a Canadian quarter as one of our own. Not to mention that I lose a few cents, technically, due to the exchange rate. 

I am of the belief that this is a ploy by your citizens to infiltrate the United States by slowly replacing our currency with your own, and I want you to know that I am on to you. You may have the rest of my country fooled, but I know better. In fact, you will also find, enclosed, a U.S. quarter that you will, I hope, unwittingly filter into your own monetary system. I don’t know exactly what this will accomplish,but two can play at your game, you sneaky Canadian. Thanks for your time. And remember: I’m on to you. 

Letter 2

Letter 3

Email the buttery one.